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Welcome to the top Controversial comments and issues, listed below were provided by www.PublicIssue.ORG. "Balancing the budget is a great idea when your government, State or homes has capital to work with. But governments that think balancing the budget is good for the economy during weak economic growth, then they're all off balance!" - Don't stop the circulation of money! And don't cut my taxes! Taxes are needed to fund government, state and local projects. If you want to help, spend more money! The economy can not grow without money being circulated. For Michigan, Governor Jennifer Gran-holm should stop spending Michigan's money out of state! Why would you spend millions of dollars out of state to save Michigan money? The millions of dollars Michigan saves, went directly to another State and took away jobs in Michigan! Is anybody home in Lansing? - Turkey Has Turkey forgotten that it is America that is offering to provide military aid to save their butts? Has Turkey forgotten that if we don't use their land to setup a northern front, Iraq could blow their butts away? My suggestion is, don't give Turkey anything, especially since it is America that is the ones that are suppose to come to their rescue and provide millions of dollars worth of military aid and security! How can Turkey even ask for money, let alone more money? - Less Ads means less clutter. Less clutter means more content. After all, aren't you really interested in content? - |
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